Monday, November 21, 2011

This is a Thought

If I decided to peal paint off the upside-down radiator
for eternity,
I wonder if you would sit beside me  
reading Wallace Stevens.

If I decided to nurse the convent garden bursts of peonies
for eternity,
I wonder if you would smuggle me some
David Bowie tracks.

If I decided to eat only fudge brownies and cherry Starbursts
for eternity,
I wonder if you would google gourmet
recipes for me.

If I decided to paint my own Walden in the Washington wild
for eternity,
I wonder if you would build a nightclub
next to my cabin.

If I decided to leap out airplane hatches and steal rodeo saddles and read my poetry out-loud
for eternity,
I wonder if you would be happily
married in Norway.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Totally. I haven't read much of him yet.
    2. That and maybe a few fleetwood mac ones too.
    3. Oh yeah. As much as I love brownies and starburst, we'd make so much more than that.
    4. Probably not. Unless it was a swanky 50's jazz bar. Then probably.
    5. If your airplane escapades landed you in Norway and we could read aloud together on snow lined Norwegian clydesdales. Yes. Happily it would be.
